November 4, 2012

How Do You Define Happiness?

Happiness is a state of feeling that everyone wants to achieve. All actions of individuals, regardless of age, sex, wealth, race and status, are towards achieving HAPPINESS. Of course, no one in this world is completely happy. All of us need to go through a lot of pain. However, always remember that our life and happiness do not depend on what happens to us, but what we do to what happens to us.

So what is happiness? Wikipedia defined happiness as " a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."

Famous people also have their own definitions of happiness:

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi

Happiness depends upon ourselves. - Aristotle

Happiness does not consist in having what you want, but in wanting what you have.-Confucius

Happiness is the criterion of excellence in the art of living. – Eric Fromm

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing. – George Sheehan

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.- Victor Hugo

Happiness is not a reward – it is a consequence. – Robert Ingersoll

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values. – Ayn Rand

Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. – Burton Hills

I believe all of us have our own definitions of Happiness. However, we should be very careful in making our own definitions. The way we define happiness can actually determine how we conduct our lives and can have implications on how we succeed in life.

Well, for me, HAPPINESS IS AN ATTITUDE. It’s a decision to make. It is a skill that we can learn and practice for the rest of our lives.

Happiness is not just an emotion. I believe it requires action.

How about you? What is your own definition of Happiness?

Live a happy life,


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